Home of hope - FUTURE PROGRAM

Transforming the lives of women and their children to break generational chains of addiction



Future Program

The future Teen Challenge Tasmania Inc, Home of Hope will provide single women, pregnant women, and women with children suffering from addictions and life controlling issues a safe and stable environment. We offer help to women and their children through our faith based program, to meet the needs of the whole person; not only dealing with the addiction, but also rebuilding their self image, work ethic, spiritual awareness and relationships.

Taking a holistic approach to the recovery of alcohol and other drug issues, women are nurtured in all areas of their lives. Their family structure will be rebuilt, allowing them to return to society stronger and equipped to succeed as a family.

In this process, the student is taught indispensable lessons of strong work ethics, team work, patience, diligence, determination, communication, positive character qualities and motivation, to name a few.

After a long 5 year journey including significant legal battles, to open this centre in Meander, Tasmania, we have opted to no longer pursuue this property for this purpose and will look to find another location for Home of Hope. At this stage we have not located another property and so cannot give timeframes.

In the meantime if you would like to talk to someone about getting help please give us a call or send us an email. We will endeavour to help you connect with services that may assist you.


Join us on the journey to understand more about Teen Challenge Tasmania's intended Home of Hope, Women and Children's Rehabilitation Centre although no longer in Meander, Tasmania. Learn more of our dream for a place where women who have made the commitment to break free from addiction, will be loved just the way they are and can be guided to transform their lives, through our faith based program.